== Keysight B150xA Series Easy Test Navigator Software Release Notes == == CORRESPONDING FIRMWARE REVISION == This revision of software works with the following firmware. - B150xA Series: A.06.01 or later == FIXED DEFECTS == - [451312] [IV] Wrong status is indicated for applying power/voltage compliance to step channel. - [453310] [Gate Charge] Current Load setting cannot be enabled while High Current Details setting is enabled. - [453338] [IV] Graph is not displayed for VGS(th) data file saved in ETN 1.2 or before. - [457001] Opening file dialog may fail after accessing and ejecting removable media. == REVISION HISTORY == New Features: - [400463] B1506A-H20/H50/H70 support - [404924] inTEST HP289-PM support - [429749] [Datasheet] BJT measurement - [401349] [Datasheet] CTR measurement for Component > PhotoCoupler - [401363] [Datasheet] Device type and measurement item addition - [402404] [Datasheet] Option for stopping execution in case of out of range parameter actual value - [401352] [Datasheet] Recycle in for deleted measurement items - [401364] [Datasheet] Measurement item order change - [401380] [Datasheet] Parameter value report generation for multiple ETN DS files - [401348] [IV] BJT measurement - [401307] [IV] Option for Quick/Fine Trace Mode - [401392] [IV] Transconductance measurement for MOSFET and IGBT - [401395] [IV] Option for sweep polarity regulation - [401299] [Gate Charge] Vds search for Id(on) in case of resistive load - [430085] [Gate Charge] Id-Qg characteristics measurement - [401359] [Thermal] inTEST HP289-PM GPIB control support Improvements: - [419882] [Datasheet] Text/Parameter/Range options for Test Condition of Maximum Rating - [400551] [Datasheet] Support of direct XPS file saving in Save File Dialog - [449389] [Datasheet] Tooltip display for overflown text field - [401388] [Datasheet] Compliance status notification in parameter measurement - [401398] [Datasheet] Notification for setting regulated by Maximum Rating - [401401] [Datasheet, IV] Series resistor application to cancel voltage offset of HVSMU in gate leak measurement - [401387] [IV] Measurement status notification - [401395] [IV] Auto sweep abort notification - [429490] [IV] Graph linear/log scale preservation and restoration - [404106] [Gate Charge] Refinement of correction model Fixed Defects: - [427416] [Device Capacitance] Measurement frequency for corrections is not to be above 1MHz. - [438693] [Device Capacitance] Axes are not thick in case of Rg measurement. - [441070] [Device Capacitance] Some measurement paths are to be invalidated. - [444374] [Common] Empty reference trace list is shown after capturing trace collapsing th list. - [438733] [Common] Selection of reference trace for deletion is not intuitive. - [439185] [Common] State of graph auto scale switch is to be restored. - [448185] [Datasheet] Exception messaging "An item with the same key has already been added" may occur. - [429601] [Datasheet] Corrections on Component > PhotoCoupler and Component > Relay. - [445889] [Datasheet] An error may occur for adding graph or parameter with read-only data file. - [434172] [Datasheet] Icons for Move Up/Down and Page Up/Down are confusing. - [429607] [Datasheet] Text of parameter test condition may overflow in spite of enough column width. - [445905] [Datasheet] Connection dialog is not shown until the first thermal condition stands in thermo-trigger operation. - [402665] [Datasheet] VR setting path in CT measurement in Componet > PhotoCoupler is wrong. - [443059] [Datasheet] Scrolling with mouse wheel does not work except on white space area. - [440781] [Datasheet] Access error for temporary file occurs for trying to overwrite read-only ETN DS. - [434237] [Datasheet] Change of Maximum Rating does not reflect on related graph axis range at measurement. - [431426] [Datasheet] Measurement preview window may hide actual value field of parameter. - [441213] [Datasheet] Empty graph axis range causes inconsistent value per division. - [419657] [Gate Charge] Vds(off) is unexpectedly fixed to searched value in R Load Qg even in case of Current Load Qg. - [400323] [IV, Device Capacitance, Gate Charge] File operations are to be blocked while measurement. - [438464] [IV, Device Capacitance, Gate Charge] Marker dragging does not work in the area of marker read-out display. - [438240] [IV] Auto scale for repeat measurement should not shrink scale to avoid flickering. - [427329] [IV] Color settings of background and X-Axis text are not applied in Oscilloscope View. - [437364] [IV] Read-out and delta are displayed even though marker B is initially off. - [439024] [IV] Resolutions of sweep start and stop do not decrease according to thier values. - [432074] [IV] Sweep setting may appear for both different units. - [437360] [IV, Device Capacitance, Gate Charge] Device ID update is not reflected on the reference trace file name. - [437246] [IV] SMU setting may not be changed by rotary knob at some values. - [449910] [IV] Data acquisition of Oscilloscope View may fail with error code -1. == REVISION HISTORY == Improvements: - [9533] [Datasheet] Setup parameter adjusment is to be fed back into test condition input field. - [9547] [Gate Charge] IGBT Qg curve fitting is to be refined for case of negative Vge(off). - [9551] [Power Loss] Should read measurement data according to the name instead of the order. - [9553] [IV] Catch and report an unhandled exception in the thread of UI. - [9597] [Power Loss] Relaxation of extraction constraints for Rg Fixed Defects: - [9542] [Graph] Trace edge point in graph is to be rounded. - [9549] [Datasheet] The label of trace may be placed outside the frame of graph. - [9552] [IV] When the oscilloscope view has no data, mouse dragging with CTRL key pressing causes crash. - [9555] [Device Capacitance] Drain bias input may be disabled even in case of drain bias connection. - [9573] [Datasheet] In case of B1506AH21, IGES(-) for IGBT is not prepared. - [9575] [Datasheet] File filter for importing device symbol image is to be added. - [9581] [IV] Compensation of voltage drop for gate/drain resistance is not applied. - [9587] [Gate Charge] Modal calibraiton dialog can go behind of main window and lose operability. - [9589] [Datasheet] In case of component test, same connection instruction is always shown for thermo-trigger. - [9598] [Common] The first measurement after fixture resetting may be aborted unexpectedly. - [9599] [Gate Charge] SMU over-range isn't considered in parasitic capacitance correction. - [9606] [Gate Charge] Current load adjustment for Id(on) of 20A may fail in case of B1506AH21 (HCSMU). - [9612] [IV] Nomenclature for MOSFET is used for IGBT for step parameter name. - [9613] [Gate Charge] Extraction of Qg(on), Qg(th) and Qgs are to be updated for derived Qg. - [9616] [Datasheet] Graph of the positive log scale with the minus value can't be printed in XPS. - [9620] [Datasheet] Memory usage may increase for successive opening of ETN DS file. - [9630] [B1506AH71/H51] UHCU failure is indicated as MCSMU failure until performing Self Test. - [9632] [Power Loss] Null Reference Exception may occur after editing NaN Value. == REVISION HISTORY == New Features: - Oscilloscope View in I/V Measurement - Component Test in Datasheet Characterization - IGBT support in Power Loss Calculation - Output Capacitance Loss in Power Loss Calculation - [9512] [Datasheet] Saving in text format is to be supported. Improvements: - [9456] [Device Capacitance] Immittance data component displayed on graph is to be saved in data file. - [9457] [IV] RGS for graph data is to be supported. - [9469] [Graph] Data and scale setting are to be saved in setup file. - [9482] [Graph] Polarity of end points are to be kept for changing with mouse wheel operation. - [9483] [Graph] Support of simple operation for changing graph scale using mouse. - [9497] [Datasheet] Alias for data name in graph trace label is to be supported for appropriate expression. - [9503] [Gate Charge] S2 of derived JESD24-2 is to be identical to S2 of High Current JESD24-2. - [9505] [Gate Charge] S1 of derived JESD24-2 is to be identical to S1 of High Voltage JESD24-2. - [9507] [IV] Default aperture and step time for staircase sweep is to be extended. - [9514] [Datasheet] Limitation to min./max. range for parameters by related maximum rating is to be supported. - [9522] [Power Loss] Default sweep settings are to be updated to practical settings. - [9530] [Datasheet] Power compliance is to be applied in MOSFET > VDS-VGS for B1506AH21. - [9531] [Datasheet] Improvement in scrolling by scroll button. - [9536] [Common] Default input value options for numeric input field. - [9541] [Datasheet] Each measurement data is not to be saved in corresponding measurement DataStore in case of Datasheet execution. Fixed Defects: - [9454] [Datasheet] Maximum ratings are not applied to duplicated measurement items. - [9459] [Graph] Domain marker shift amount by rotary knob is not propotional to domain scale. - [9463] [Common] Path for save setup operation is to be nullified by opening data file. - [9484] [PowerLoss] Calculation of Irms is not the root mean square of drain current. - [9486] [PowerLoss] Inconsistent combination of Id/Ic, Irms and D can be set. - [9495] [Common] Input parameter values will be rounded inconsistently. - [9515] [PowerLoss] Calculation result of Conduction Loss is incorrect if Id/Ic or D is specified as a sweep parameter. New Features: - Initial release for B1506A and B1507A